Results from seroprevalence research in the overall population claim that most people remained uninfected through the initial epidemic wave, a long way away from getting herd immunity [12, 13]

Results from seroprevalence research in the overall population claim that most people remained uninfected through the initial epidemic wave, a…

Our current data claim that instead of donor vaccination, immunogenic peptides enable you to selectively broaden Id-specific T cells ex lover vivo to create educated donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI)

Our current data claim that instead of donor vaccination, immunogenic peptides enable you to selectively broaden Id-specific T cells ex…

Control cells were contaminated with same focus of lentiviral scramble control shRNA (sc-108080, Santa Cruz), and were put through same puromycin selection also

Control cells were contaminated with same focus of lentiviral scramble control shRNA (sc-108080, Santa Cruz), and were put through same…