2015; Winkler et al. in the olfactory bulbs (OB) of 16 cows suffering from acute BHV5-induced neurological disease. The OBs…
When PTH is administered simply by intermittent subcutaneous em via /em , it comes with an anabolic influence on bone, influencing osteoblastic activity and indirectly using the regulation of some growth points[21] directly
When PTH is administered simply by intermittent subcutaneous em via /em , it comes with an anabolic influence on bone,…
Calving price from seven consecutive years different from a minimal of 15 % to a higher of 52 %, but had not been correlated with suggest CI prices (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient=0
Calving price from seven consecutive years different from a minimal of 15 % to a higher of 52 %, but…
In some full cases, BLOCK\iT Alexa Fluor red fluorescent control (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used to recognize transfected cells
In some full cases, BLOCK\iT Alexa Fluor red fluorescent control (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used to recognize transfected cells. Great\throughput…
Taken collectively, these data display that NL activates an intensive remodeling of pre and postsynaptic structures
Taken collectively, these data display that NL activates an intensive remodeling of pre and postsynaptic structures. Save of presynaptic Bassoon…
J Biol Chem
J Biol Chem. from the gene. Electronic supplementary materials The online edition of this content (doi:10.1007/s13238-016-0322-1) contains supplementary materials, which…
Salmonellosis and Sweet’s syndrome have been strongly linked to IFN- autoantibodies and the patients history of these conditions provided a reason to test for the presence of IFN- autoantibodies
Salmonellosis and Sweet’s syndrome have been strongly linked to IFN- autoantibodies and the patients history of these conditions provided a…
2006 em a /em ), thalidomide (Kulke em et al /em
2006 em a /em ), thalidomide (Kulke em et al /em . 2?h following ingestion of the first TMZ capsule…
Pneumonia was considered, but there was no obvious improvement after using azithromycin and piperacilli/tazobactam for ten days
Pneumonia was considered, but there was no obvious improvement after using azithromycin and piperacilli/tazobactam for ten days. lung disease (IgG4-RLD),…
Their demographic, serological, and clinical characteristics are shown in Table?1
Their demographic, serological, and clinical characteristics are shown in Table?1. was used for continuous variables. Multivariate logistic regression was used…